Coastal Scene
Diver's Cove Beach
Please scroll down for more available giclée Images
Giclées are high quality reproductions. The process begins with a detailed digital scan of the original painting. The colors, textures, and tones are duplicated as faithfully as possible to the original piece minimizing dots or lines.
The image can be printed on any of a variety of media such as high quality art papers or canvases. These can then be framed as with an original piece.
The price is typically lower than an original but there is a fair amount of labor involved in coordinating with the printer, reviewing and approving the color proof, and selecting and coordinating the framing. It usually involves several trips to the printer and framer, ands to the packer and shipper if needed. SO the price may not be as low as one might expect.
A giclée can be created from any of the paintings shown on this page. If you are interested in a particular piece as a giclée print, please call or write with the following information: